5 “New Year New Me” Kindness Challenges + Printable Calendars

5 “New Year New Me” Kindness Challenges + Printable Calendars

As the year comes to a close, we have the opportunity to restart. This mental renewal gives you a “new year new me” approach and you get a chance to refresh your life.

It’s a time to evaluate how you treat your community and yourself. Were you there for those you care for? Did you reach your professional goals? We tend to set high expectations and reach for the stars when it comes to goals. After all, we’re human. The objectives we set may seem feasible at first, then we lose our path. Fear not — this New Year, we have an array of calendars (as well as challenges) that’ll help you set goals and stick to them.

5 “New Year New Me” Kindness Challenges

5 “New Year New Me” Kindness Challenges + Printable Calendars

By spreading kindness, you form stronger relationships, teach others the benefits of positivity and receive kindness in return. Kindness positively impacts the world around you and is shown to improve your physical and mental health. It feels great to be kind!

You can construct your environment to enhance your generosity. This is known as choice architecture — designing your environment to complete your goals and challenges. As a physical example, if there’s a vase on your dining room table, there’s a high chance you’ll regularly fill it with beautiful flowers. Apply choice architecture to complete your kindness challenges. Hang one of our three printable kindness calendars in a significant space (such as your office, bedroom or kitchen) to accomplish your positivity goals.

1. Give Back to Family and Friends

Family and friends are the backbones of our support system. Give love to your circle and you’ll see it circle back stronger. Did you know that showing love attracts others to you and invites positivity to enter your life? We challenge you to stay on top of loving those close to you with a daily reminder from our printable calendar below.

Calendar Download Instructions:

1. Click to download calendar.

2. Print calendar on 8” by 11” inch card stock paper.

3. If desired, print calendar at a local print store to be laminated.

4. Begin your 31 days of kindness.

5 “New Year New Me” Kindness Challenges + Printable Calendars

2. Pick Up a New Skill

Be kind to yourself and learn something new. Learning rewires your brain to be more creative while also enhancing your ability to focus — a gift to yourself! As you master a new skill, you build your imagination. This increases your memory storage and ability to regulate emotions. With a new skill under your belt, you’ll be excited to conquer more and feel a burst in energy. What new skills will you be gifting to yourself?

3. Gift Gratitude to Colleagues and Inspiring People

5 “New Year New Me” Kindness Challenges + Printable Calendars

If you’ve heard the saying “what goes around comes around,” you know spreading generosity doesn’t stop at family and friends. Acquired talents are built from the teams you surround yourself with. Expressing a sign of thanks is small but it benefits the giver, receiver and entire organization. Use this calendar to routinely give thanks where credit is due.

Calendar Download Instructions:

1. Click to download calendar.

2. Print calendar on 8” by 11” inch card stock paper.

3. If desired, print calendar at a local print store to be laminated.

4. Begin your 31 days of kindness.

5 “New Year New Me” Kindness Challenges + Printable Calendars

4. Invest in Yourself

No money necessary! Investing in yourself is being kind to yourself. You can do this by expanding your knowledge, caring for your body and cultivating your mental health. To kick off your investment, here are some ideas:

  • Read a new book

  • Discover a constructive podcast

  • Fuel your body with nutritious foods

  • Take vitamins

  • Journal your thoughts

  • Reach out to someone

Overall, do more things that push you towards feeling exquisite, it’s a big self hug.

5. Bless Benevolence to Your Community and Neighbors

5 “New Year New Me” Kindness Challenges + Printable Calendars

Stay mindful of your environment, it’s a responsibility. Your generosity is contagious. Pay it forward to your hometown with selfless actions such as cleaning a stranger’s trash or leaving flowers in the community center. One kind action leads to another. We challenge you to make your community a better place by checking off the daily tasks below.

Calendar Download Instructions:

1. Click to download calendar.

2. Print calendar on 8” by 11” inch card stock paper.

3. If desired, print calendar at a local print store to be laminated.

4. Begin your 31 days of kindness.

5 “New Year New Me” Kindness Challenges + Printable Calendars

Enter the new year filled with prosperity one kind action at a time. We encourage you to begin with compassion towards yourself — whether that’s picking up a new skill or sending yourself a beautiful bouquet. Not to mention, when giving to others, you’ll receive a helper’s high. We’re excited to see the results of your “new year new me” challenges!
