Aster Meaning and Symbolism


Aster Story & Origins

The Aster is a unique daisy-like wildflower that’s known for its star-shaped flower head. Aster meanings include love and wisdom. With a rich history in Greek mythology, it’s said that the aster was created by the tears of the Greek goddess, Astraea. One day, she was so upset by how few stars there were in the dark sky, that she began to cry. As she wept, her tears fell to the ground and turned into star-shaped aster flowers. Thus, the flower was named after her, with aster meaning star.

Another interpretation is that asters were created when Virgo scattered stardust over the Earth. Where the stardust settled, aster flowers bloomed. The aster is also an emblem of Venus, the goddess of love.

Aster Flower Meanings

The aster flower carries a variety of meanings, but in general, the flower mainly represents love, wisdom, and faith.

  • In Victorian culture, the aster represents daintiness, patience, and charm.

  • The aster is the official birth flower for the month of September.

  • When burnt, the odor emitted by the asters is known to ward off serpents.

Aster Symbolism & Colors

The aster flower comes in a variety of colors, with different colors carrying different symbols.

  • Purple asters symbolize wisdom and royalty and are the most popular color.

  • White asters symbolize purity and innocence.

  • Red asters symbolize undying devotion.

  • Pink asters symbolize sensitivity and love.


Aster Cultural Significance

Renowned American poet, Robert Frost, is known for his poetic descriptions of rural life. In his famous poem “A Late Walk” he describes a solitary walk through a somber landscape. In the end, he refers to the aster flower as an emblem of hope.

I end not far from my going forth

By picking the faded blue

Of the last remaining aster flower

To carry again to you.


Aster Facts

  • Asters are known as being drought resistant and are great for desert landscaping.

  • Bushy aster species have seeds that are shaped like parachutes and travel by way of wind.

  • There are over 600 species included within the Aster genus, which shares the same family as the daisy.

  • Asters are composite flowers, meaning that they are made of a central core of many tiny flowers surrounded by long petals.

Aster Uses

In Chinese culture, the aster is used as a medicinal herb that’s effective for treating a wide variety of ailments, from hangovers to epilepsy. When brewed as a tea, asters can aid in digestion as well.

The aster is also used as a holistic remedy for various respiratory ailments such as coughs, lung deficiencies, and asthma. It is effective as a decongestant for the lungs, especially during cold and flu season. This medicinal herb can also be quite effective as a relaxant by increasing blood circulation.

Would you like to see more varieties of this playful wildflower? Check out our bouquets that feature various types of asters, including Matsumoto and Monte Cristo asters!


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